This morning Chris came by to feed Cameron and he drank 24 ml out of his bottle of his 40 ml that he was given for breakfast. He seems to be doing much better with bottling now and will get the hang of it in no time at all.
Jane stopped over in the early afternoon with her mother (Grandma Mary Ellen) to hang out with Cameron. The three of them played some scrabble. Cam won every time.....he is good.
Jane and her mom went back to the Weatherford house. Shortly after they got home, a couple of special guests arrived. Chris' Grandma Mary and Henry drove from Arizona by way of Colorado to see Cameron. How lucky is he? Two grandmas on the same day!!
After they all had a nice dinner, they drove up to meet Lil 'C'. Cameron now weighs 4lbs 11.3oz (that's huge!!!!). And to top off a great day, Cam drank.......his whole bottle!!! 40 mls for Dad! Of course it was very hard for him to doze off while eating since Grandma Mary was flashing pictures of him every two minutes.
1 comment:
Jane and Chris
We love you guys so very much. You are wonderful parents...we send such love and warmth your way. Lisa, Dirk, and Cam's little Cousin, Harper.
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