Even though school is a place for learning, it is also a place to enjoy t

he arts. Cameron's school hosted an Arts evening complete with pottery, painting, music and puppetry.
Working with the clay was a favorite and then painting that clay was even better!

Miss Sara, Cam's teacher, attended the event to greet and lend assistance and it's easy to see why Cam enjoys her classroom so much.
In the music room, there were drums and instruments everywhere. Even though the room itself was quite noisy, the drums

were a very big hit. Cameron and his classmate, Liam, had a great time with the drumsticks and big drums.
And a smaller set, complete with drums, triangle, maracas and cymbals captivated the big boy.

Also captivating Cam's attention was cousin Coco's and her best friend, Shelby. He had such a good time playing with the girls and he certainly enjoyed some sweet kisses.

Rounding out the weekend included a haircut and a trip to McDonald's for a happy meal. Cameron's favorite, the delicious chocolate shake, disappeared in no time.
The happy meal prize was a toy superman. Chris & Jane know that Cam is definitely a Super Boy!