As the Turkey Day neared, Katherine and Cameron were busy making Thanksgiving cards for the family. Cam's nanny certainly is creative using Cam's handprint to make these cute turkeys!

Our Thanksgiving tradition is to ride north to Cam's grandparents home on Lake Michigan. This year, the Michigan weather fooled us all by providing a 60 degree day complete with sunshine! However, the big lake still whips the wind around so it didn't quite feel like 60 degrees on the deck...
Cousin Annie & Cam sharing a joke |

After taking some holiday photos, we all went over to Aunt Joyce and Uncle Joe's to join more cousins to celebrate. As a family, we feel so grateful to be surrounded by so many who support and love Cam so much. Here is his list...(with a little help from his parents) of
Cam's Top 10 Thankful Things:
1. Family (Dad, Mom, Oma, Opa- all aunts, uncles, and cousins.. including Coco's dogs)
2. Friends (Katherine, Emma, Auntie Jo, Will, friends at school) and ALL of you reading this blog!
3. Caregivers & Teachers (Miss Lisa, Miss Ann, Miss Kathy, Miss Liz, Miss Felicia)
4. Crackers
5. Chocolate
6. Culver's, Moe's and McDonald's (my favorite fine dining establishments)
7. Curious George, Blue's Clues, Berenstain Bears (this order changes daily)
8. Books
9. Going to the store
10. Giggles & Laughter- every day
As a group, we put a dent into our turkey day dinner which consisted of 3 turkeys, 17 potatoes (mashed), green bean casserole, creamed corn, cranberry sauce, cornbread, two kinds of stuffing and gravy...followed by pie choices- pumpkin, sweet potato, pecan and even a cheesecake!
Guess we all should've made a couple of laps down to the beach like Chris and Cam to work off all of that food!