"We can't help everyone... but everyone can help someone." ~Dr. Loretta Scott
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead
It was a non-profit week in the Weatherford household. With 4 events on the horizon, Cameron was a bit relieved to only have four full days of school.
Wednesday evening was the "Fowling to Keep 'Em Rolling" fundraiser at the Fowling Warehouse just a few minutes from our house. Cam saw quite a few friends there including Onji, Gibson and Liam, the newest Youth Ambassador. JT's pizza was served, many items were raffled off and costume winners were crowned. It was a successful event and a great turnout. As a board member, Jane was so happy to see everyone rally around the cause to provide necessary equipment to those in need.
Friday afternoon, Jane arrived at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital to help set up for the Trunk or Treat activity. The Guild, which Jane is a member of, created personalized treat bags for inpatients and outpatients. Cameron helped created the bags and also agreed to dress up as part of The Wizard of Oz theme. One of the attendees even let Jane "borrow" a real puppy to have in her basket for a few minutes. The ten-week old poodle named Lloyd (not Toto) truly looked like a stuffed animal. Cam rocked his lion costume and had fun exploring the Therapy Garden, which was turned into the Scare-apy Garden for the evening.
Saturday evening, Ms. Ann arrived to hang out with Cam while his parents attended the Mary Free Bed Gala downtown. A photo booth was set up for the event. The Center for Autism was the focus for fundraising and we heard some incredible stories, enjoyed a delicious dinner and danced to a live band.
Cam pays attention to details. His questions can surprise us, not only because they are insightful, but also since we may not have thought of them. At the end of the movie, he asked his mom.
"Do you think the people they showed in the concert all had to sign a disclaimer to be in the movie?"