This was a very special Christmas for Chris and Jane as it was the first one celebrated with Cameron! Although the little guy wasn't quite aware of the reason for the season, his favorite part of the holiday was definitely staring at those Christmas tree lights.
On Christmas day, Cameron's grandparents, Mary Ellen and Bill, drove from Muskegon to spend the day with Chris, Jane & Cam. Cameron's favorite present was from his grandparents- a new play mat that is black, white, and red- all of the colors that Cameron can recognize at his young age. He really seems to enjoy looking at the patterns whether he's on his back or on his tummy.

Stella joined in the fun as well since she acquired a few more toys herself for Christmas. She has one in every room of the house so she's ready to play wherever she is.
Jane had saved up some vacation time from work and was on vacation from Dec. 20 - Jan. 1st. It was a very nice time for mother and son to hang out together all week.
The next big event was Sat. Dec. 29th when Chris, Jane & Cameron drove up north to attend their first big family outing- the Jellema Family Christmas party! Everyone was a little nervous about exposing Cameron to any sniffles, sickness, etc. so all of the extended family was very respectful of keeping their distance if they'd been in contact with anyone who'd been sick. What a wonderful time Cam had! He even saw Santa Claus for the first time!! Many of his cousins had only seen pictures of him or hadn't seen him since he'd been in the hospital- boy, were they surprised!! Needless to say, it was a big day and we were all pretty tuckered out...

Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas holiday!!