Sometimes, people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they impacted your life in that time...

Cam spends quality time with two lovely ladies after school.
In the beginning of the week, Kelsey awaits her buddy's arrival off of the bus.

The warming trend allowed the duo to have an impromptu picnic outside for a late afternoon snack.
Kelsey works to help Cam with his physical therapy activities, being sure to wrap smiles and fun around every challenge. Whether it's working on taking steps, sliding down the stairs, or balancing on a ball, each and every exercise has a purpose.
Taylor comes over mid-week and finds different crafts, baking, and homework to occupy her time with Cameron.

The favorite treat at the top of the list is definitely brownies. For some reason, Cam always volunteers to clean out the remainder of the chocolaty goodness.
Taylor asked if she could take the handsome boy to see a play at her school on Saturday.
From the time Cam woke up on the weekend, he kept asking what time the play was and when he was being picked up.

For his first official play performance, he wore his dress shoes and black pants. The play, "Once Upon a Mattress" was put on by the Forest Hills Central High School. Taylor's best friend, Paige, was performing.
It was a long afternoon for Cam, being picked up at 2pm and returning close to 6pm. He had a great time and enjoyed a tasty chocolate snack during the intermission.
Taylor posted a pic on Instagram with the caption "Best date!" A big thanks to her for thinking of taking Cameron and spending the quality time to introduce him to his first play.
Cam liked seeing all of the performers after the musical. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of his love for theater!