"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting." ~Brian Tracy
"It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy." ~UnknownFriendsgiving is known as a Thanksgiving celebration with one's friends. In Cam's homeroom at Northern High School, experiencing Friendsgiving is a tradition. Monday's lunch for Cameron was a literal feast. Everyone contributed and Cam's teacher even sent Jane an email indicating how delicious his mashed potatoes were.
Tuesday was Cam's last day of school for the week and the sunrise was most spectacular. An afternoon substitute bus driver misunderstood Cam's request to pull up close to the driveway. Instead, he drove our high schooler all of the way up his driveway to drop him off. Now that's front door service!
We welcomed Oma and Opa on Wednesday afternoon and with all of the upcoming prep work for turkey day, the family opted for a Culver's dinner that evening.
Thursday morning, we got to work straight away. Max provided our fresh organic bird earlier in the week, which he raised and 'prepped' for the big day. Cam and Opa busied themselves with the stuffing preparation. Oma brought her homemade cranberry relish. After Chris carried the ~27lb bird to the oven, we all took a break. Next up was peeling and cutting potatoes, preparing the sweet potato casserole and green beans. Everything was in progress when Coco, Max and Calla arrived with homemade carrot soup, our first course in the upcoming meal. We enjoyed light appetizers as all of the items baked away.
Thanksgiving for our family is a reminder of everything we are thankful for. At the top of this list is each other. As we gathered around the table for our literal feast, we were all marveling at the spread. We talked about our own traditions and favorite parts of the meal. Coco, Max and Calla were the perfect addition to our day. Dessert, which we had to eat well after dinner, consisted of homemade apple turnovers and peanut butter bars topped with chocolate. Everyone enjoyed ice cream to round out the options. We bid farewell to Coco, Max and Calla and then gravitated to the living room where we watched a Disney movie, "The Pacifier."
Friday was relaxing as we tackled some indoor projects, included finishing the Christmas tree decorations. We did enjoy turkey day leftovers and watched another Disney movie, "Freaky Friday" which was apropos. Oma's Christmas cards were completed and ordered and we knocked another item off the list. Jane was also happy to be wearing a holiday sweater that Oma had given to her own mother. After all of these years, it is still in great condition and very festive.
Oma and Opa packed up Saturday morning to head back to Grand Haven. We thanked them for all of their help and company. 
The Raisch family arrived in time for the kickoff of the big rival football game, University of Michigan vs. Ohio State. The game took a major turn in Michigan's favor in the second half. The final score was 45-23 and although the game didn't turn out in our friends' favor, everyone maintained their sportsmanlike conduct.
That evening, Cam's parents told him they wanted to go out to dinner to celebrate U of M winning the game! A new Mexican restaurant, El Centenario, was now open so we opted to support local. The meal was delicious for each of us and we're happy to have another option close by.
As we continue to partake in our leftovers, we hope each of you enjoyed your own celebrations and know that our thankfulness includes you too!
Camology Quotes:
After our authentic meal on Saturday, Cam shared a very helpful suggestion with his tutor, Ms. Ann. One of her grandchildren is named Bexley.
"Ms. Ann, Bexley should go to El Centenario since he is learning Spanish. He could speak it there and order his dinner in Spanish!"