"There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." ~Robert M. Hensel
Monday morning provided an exceptionally beautiful sunrise, as seen from our front porch. Cam was back into his swim therapy that evening. He was excited to be in the warm pool once again with Ms. Mandy. Following swimming, it's time for physical therapy with Patrick. It was great for Cameron to be back in his typical weekly routine.
We received a major surprise on Wednesday after dinner. There was a drop off to our porch from UPS delivery. Chris was at a work conference and Jane and her son assumed it was an Amazon delivery. They were completely shocked to open the big box which contained 2 large red cooler bags. The envelope on top was a special note from Ms. Cyndi entitled "Homemade for you with love..." and the contents were overwhelming. Containers of freshly made frozen meals included Sunday Sauce, Chicken Scampi, Bolognese and Italian Chicken Soup. There wasn't just a single container of each...it was multiple meals. The coolers also contained dried pasta made in New Jersey, Tastykake's from Pennsylvania and two eastern coast classics: Taylor Ham and Scrapple. We have already sampled the majority of the homemade goodness and have declared Cyndi a world-class chef!
Saturday morning, Chris was scheduled to volunteer for Mary Free Bed's adaptive skiing day. The sunshine found its way to Michigan so Cam and his mom were off to visit Oma Saturday afternoon. We all wanted to see the ice on our Great Lake, so we made our way to Grand Haven State Park to check out the frozen water. It is quite a sight to see the view in the winter. Even though it was windy and a bit chilly, we were able to clearly see the break point of ice versus H2O. To warm ourselves up, we all had a tasty Starbuck's treat. It was fun to see Oma and hear about all of the activities she's been involved with.
Sunday afternoon, we were back at Cannonsburg for the fourth week of adaptive skiing. It was a bit icy on the slopes and the sun was being elusive. Cam's ski partner, Mr. Jim, expertly navigated him down the slopes. They had a rough go of it on the first run but settled in quickly. Chris has mastered riding up the ski lift with his son. It takes mad skills and lucky for Cameron, his dad was up for the challenge. In the lodge afterwards, we had a good laugh about how everyone looks so different when they have their ski gear on. Truly, people are almost unrecognizable without ski helmets, googles and snow pants!
Camology Quotes:
Cam is always gracious with his compliments. Sometimes they come in another form. Jane created a pesto chicken sandwich for dinner one evening. Halfway through the meal, he let out a large belch. He said "excuse me" and then quickly added...
"That means compliments to the chef, Mom!"