Sunday, February 2, 2025

An Italian Feast - Week of Jan. 27th

"There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." ~Robert M. Hensel

Monday morning provided an exceptionally beautiful sunrise, as seen from our front porch.  Cam was back into his swim therapy that evening.  He was excited to be in the warm pool once again with Ms. Mandy.  Following swimming, it's time for physical therapy with Patrick.  It was great for Cameron to be back in his typical weekly routine.

We received a major surprise on Wednesday after dinner.  There was a drop off to our porch from UPS delivery.  Chris was at a work conference and Jane and her son assumed it was an Amazon delivery.  They were completely shocked to open the big box which contained 2 large red cooler bags.  The envelope on top was a special note from Ms. Cyndi entitled "Homemade for you with love..." and the contents were overwhelming.  Containers of freshly made frozen meals included Sunday Sauce, Chicken Scampi, Bolognese and Italian Chicken Soup. There wasn't just a single container of was multiple meals.  The coolers also contained dried pasta made in New Jersey, Tastykake's from Pennsylvania and two eastern coast classics: Taylor Ham and Scrapple.  We have already sampled the majority of the homemade goodness and have declared Cyndi a world-class chef! 

Saturday morning, Chris was scheduled to volunteer for Mary Free Bed's adaptive skiing day. The sunshine found its way to Michigan so Cam and his mom were off to visit Oma Saturday afternoon.  We all wanted to see the ice on our Great Lake, so we made our way to Grand Haven State Park to check out the frozen water.  It is quite a sight to see the view in the winter.  Even though it was windy and a bit chilly, we were able to clearly see the break point of ice versus H2O. To warm ourselves up, we all had a tasty Starbuck's treat.  It was fun to see Oma and hear about all of the activities she's been involved with.

Sunday afternoon, we were back at Cannonsburg for the fourth week of adaptive skiing.  It was a bit icy on the slopes and the sun was being elusive.  Cam's ski partner, Mr. Jim, expertly navigated him down the slopes.  They had a rough go of it on the first run but settled in quickly.  Chris has mastered riding up the ski lift with his son.  It takes mad skills and lucky for Cameron, his dad was up for the challenge.  In the lodge afterwards, we had a good laugh about how everyone looks so different when they have their ski gear on.  Truly, people are almost unrecognizable without ski helmets, googles and snow pants!

Camology Quotes:

Cam is always gracious with his compliments.  Sometimes they come in another form.  Jane created a pesto chicken sandwich for dinner one evening.  Halfway through the meal, he let out a large belch.  He said "excuse me" and then quickly added...

"That means compliments to the chef, Mom!"

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Frozen Tundra - Week of Jan. 20th

Quote: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." 

Fact: Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke about love and brotherhood, encouraging people to think of others — including "enemies" — like family. He believed love, rather than violence and hatred, is the answer to the world's problems. 

What we can do: When someone treats you poorly, try to treat them well in return. Use your energy to love yourself and help others.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, school was not in session for Cam on Monday.  We talked about his legacy and how important it is to help others.

Due to a crazy snowstorm and cold snap, school was canceled for Tuesday and Wednesday.  Luckily for our high school student, the cancellations were announced the night before for each of the closures.  Cameron's parents, however, can always access work activities with available technology.  Cam kept himself busy during the three homebound days. Chris and Jane checked in with him periodically in between their meetings.

Chris can make us laugh even when he isn't trying to.  For a family Christmas gift, he purchased a robotic floor cleaner.  He had placed Cam's shoes on the leg lifts so that the robot (which we named "McClean") wouldn't have any issues with the obstacle.  When Jane and Cam saw the setup, they could not stop laughing!

We dined on Olive Garden takeout (thanks to Auntie Karen's Christmas gift card) Saturday evening in preparation for adaptive skiing on Sunday.  

Sunday's weather conditions could not have been better!  The sunshine boosted everyone's energy and Cam had the most ski runs down the slope ever. 😀

We were happy to have a visit with 'big sis' Lauren when we returned home from the Cannonsburg ski hill.  Cam commented how tired he was from the week to which his dad commented, "Oh that's right. The two days of school you had must have been really exhausting!"

Camology Quotes:

When Cam was younger, we always encouraged him to explain himself by telling us and explaining as much as he could.  It's funny how sometimes he'll say something that his parents used to use as a comment with their son.  When Jane asked Chris about an afternoon snack and there was no response, Cam interjected:

"I guess Dad doesn't want anything. He's not using his words."

Sunday, January 19, 2025

I Have A Question - Week of Jan. 13th

"Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” ~Erma Bombeck
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” ~Oscar Wilde

In the Weatherford household, it was Jane's turn for travel.  She flew out Monday afternoon to Philadelphia and arrived back in Grand Rapids on Thursday before dinner.  Chris and his son had some 'guy time' in the evenings.

Cam has always been curious.  As his vocabulary increased, so did his inquires.  Perhaps his most-used expression is "I Have a Question" which originated at school.  As with many school-related things, this phrase has permeated his life outside of an educational setting.  

Even in casual conversation at home, Cameron will still pop in with "I have a question" to initiate his query. There are certain tv shows that we record to watch with Cam.  Whenever he hears a word or grouping of words that is unfamiliar, his common phrase is heard.  This week, Cam's list included, but was not limited to questions about the following terms: Decisive, hypochondriac and safecracking.  The most impressive thing to Jane and Chris is that once their son understands the word or phrase, he will use it appropriately moving forward.

Sunday afternoon, we were back at Cannonsburg for the second adaptive skiing session.  

Since we worked through all of issues on our first outing, the multiple treks down the slope were super smooth.  Our amazing volunteers were in full force.  Mr. Jim navigated Cam down the ski hill while Ms. Jessie and Cam's parents acted as blockers to ensure safety for everyone. 

It was incredibly cold as the temperatures only reached 15 degrees.  The sun appeared momentarily but it wasn't enough to warm our fingers and toes.

Later that afternoon, back at home, we all relaxed and covered up in blankets.  It was time to get warm again!

Camology Quotes:

Saturday morning, Cam had one of his longest sleep-ins ever.  He didn't wake up until 9am!  Sunday morning was a later morning again and he excitedly shouted:

"I can't believe I did it again!"

Sunday, January 12, 2025

That's Wicked Skiing! - Week of Jan. 6th

"The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." ~Molière 
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." ~Martin Luther King Jr.
"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict." ~William Ellery Channing 
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." ~Walter Elliot

People will often comment that Cam is always happy and smiling.  That is totally true, for the most part. Cameron is more tuned into his life than ever before.  When something is off-kilter, it can turn up the anxiety.  When multiple things aren't right, it can really flip your world upside down.  This was a challenging week, for sure, so we were thankful it ended on a high note.

Cam has been experiencing muscle tightness in his left leg.  We consulted with his docs and had x-rays done Thursday evening.  There was nothing discovered and after further discussions with his physical therapist, Patrick, he indicated that it might be due to the lack of swimming therapy.  Cam hasn't been in the pool since late November due to his instructor being on medical leave.  We will resume pool therapy in less than 2 weeks and are hopeful it resolves the issue.  In the meantime, Chris had a couple of trips to Indiana for work.  

The weekend was a welcome relief for Cam to sleep in and have some relaxation time.  He broke his previous "sleep-in" record and didn't wake up until 9am on Saturday.  We had planned to have a movie afternoon with best bud, Brody and his mom, Jenny.  We decided to purchase the movie "Wicked" instead of seeing it in the theater due to the length of the film and wanting Cameron to be able to relax on the couch stretched out.

Cam couldn't wait to show his new handicap door buttons to his guests!  They were very impressed.  One of the best parts of watching a movie at home is the ability to take multiple breaks.  Brody loves hide and seek, so one round was played between the boys.

We made popcorn and enjoyed treats that Jenny brought.  We all really liked the movie and agreed that it was easier to watch in the comfort of our living room, with blankets for everyone.  It was decided this should be a monthly occurrence on repeat!

Sunday morning, Chris was on his way to Indiana again.  Cam and Jane ate an early lunch and readied themselves for the first session of adaptive skiing at Cannonsburg.  

Winter has settled in and the cooler temps have kept everything snow covered.  The ASAWM (Adaptive Ski Association of West Michigan) provides the equipment and volunteers.  Cameron's assigned team of Jim, his daughter Aliya and med student, Jessie, were all ready to assist.

It was chilly and the first session always has a learning curve with the equipment and snow depth.  On the first run down, Cameron tipped over, but persevered and kept on going.  We made four more runs before our time with the group was completed.  Jane asked Cam if he was doing ok and he mentioned his feet were cold.  Upon arrival home, Cam's mom realized what an understatement that was.  Cameron's socks were soaked all the way through!  As always, his ability to lean towards the positive aspect was present as he and his mom laughed indicating that next week, perhaps three pairs of socks would be in order!

Camology Quotes:

Saturday morning, we were looking forward to watching our movie later and Chris wanted to begin the day with a bit of humor.  He told Cam that it was wicked cool that you slept in that long and wicked weird too.  His son comically responded:

"Dad, you are wicked funny and wicked awesome!"

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Welcome 2025! - Week of Dec. 30th

"The need for accessibility extends far beyond the basic perception of disability. Designing information technology, learning environments, physical and social spaces with accessibility is essential to building a community where everyone has the opportunity to meaningfully engage and thrive." ~University of Washington, Disability Inclusion-Why It Matters

For Cameron, accessible spaces can be elusive.  Some places are easy to enter in a power wheelchair, while others are most definitely not.

One of Cam's favorite Christmas presents was definitely the handicap buttons for our door leading from the house to the garage.  We knew that the set up of the new handicap buttons would be challenging, but we also knew that the lasting impact it would have for Cam was the goal.  

Over the course of two days totaling close to 8 hours of work, Chris and neighbor Dave, along with Cam completed the installation.  

The entire door needed to be removed and the frame adjusted at the top of the door.  Power was added to the ceiling, which was a requirement.  The mechanism itself was tricky to configure but the team made it happen.  Perhaps the best part of the entire package was the ability to install the actual buttons anywhere since they are wirelessly connected.  Going out into the garage, Cam's button is on the wall away from the door to make it easier to access.  Coming in from the garage, it is right next to the door.  The delay mechanism was configurable for automatic door closure after x seconds.  

Jane has found it to be incredibly helpful while bringing in groceries.  Cameron has gained a new sense of independence being able to easily exit and enter without any assistance!
Ringing in the New Year was uneventful for our family as we stayed in and barely made it to midnight.  Cameron chose to follow his normal routine and asked us to record the countdown.

Since Cam was still enjoying his winter break, Ms. Amanda came over at the end of the week.  She and Cam exchanged presents.  Amanda gave her buddy a new Guess Who game with land and sea animals.  We had no idea this version existed and it has been one of Cam's all-time favorite games!

Over the weekend, Chris and son made bread in one of Jane's Christmas gifts, a KitchenAid mixer.  All of the different attachments certainly come in handy and it is so much easier to use versus the hand mixer.  The outcome was two delicious loaves of homemade goodness.  

While Chris attended volunteer duties for adaptive skiing, Jane and Cam went through their holiday cards and refreshed the magnet board with the 2024 card pictures that were received.  It's fun to see all of our peeps on a daily basis and be reminded that the old-fashioned tradition (Cam's perception) of sending cards still exists.

Camology Quotes:

Cameron has been experiencing some leg tightness since early December and we've been trying to pinpoint the cause.  At Cam's PT appointment, it was determined that the muscle change may be due to the absence of his pool therapy since late November due to the instructor being on medical leave.  Cam's immediate comment was:  "Who knew not being in the pool every week could be this detrimental?!"

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Silent Night - Week of Dec. 23rd

"It's not what's under the Christmas tree that matters, it's who's around it." ~Charles M. Schulz"
"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting." ~Brian Tracy

Pooh says, "Christmas is a together sort of holiday."  
We knew this year would be a bit different as our first time without Opa.  We had a packed agenda to fill our time.  Monday afternoon, Cam and his mom made their way to Rosy Mound.  Jane and son were scheduled to give a presentation all about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to the senior community.  Since it was Dec. 23rd, they really didn't expect much of an audience.  They decided Oma should be hired for all community outreach since more than 25 people were in attendance!  Jane and Cam brought treats and prizes and had a great time teaching everyone about A.I.  After the session, Oma gathered her things and traveled with her daughter and grandson back to Grand Rapids for the next five nights.

Oma brought her homemade sugar cookies and peanut butter/chocolate bites and on Tuesday, we made her famous candy cane cookies.  While Cam's grandma claims they are easy to make, it is a work of art to watch her twist the dough into canes.  These Christmas treats remain as Jane's all-time favorite.

In the early evening, we drove the short distance to Thornapple Covenant Church for the Christmas Eve service.  We joined Steve and Patti there for the beautiful service.  For dinner, everyone met back at Cam's house for homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade bread.  Fruit was abundant along with an enormous amount of Christmas cookies and chocolates for everyone to choose from.

We all decided to sleep in a bit on Christmas morning.  We didn't start on our stockings until almost 10am.  Presents were sorted and couch spots were reserved.  Since Cam's baclofen pump surgery, sitting and relaxing on the sofa is a more regular occurrence for him.  Cameron's stocking is very special since it was crocheted by Auntie JJ, Jane's cousin, when he was a baby.

There were many highlights in our gift giving- the photo calendar for Oma (Cam's tradition), a photo blanket for Chris, KitchenAid mixer for Jane, and a robot vacuum for the house, nicknamed McCleaner.  The most impactful present for Cam, though, was a set of handicap buttons with door modification destined for the inside door entrance from the garage.

We all watched a movie together and made a trip close to home to see some Christmas decorations.  One of them had music from a radio station synchronized to their light display.  It's so much fun to see the elaborate twinkling illuminations.
Oma and Jane laughed about the fact that they bought each other matching sweaters because they liked them so much.

Friday afternoon, we welcomed Ms. Ann and Auntie Jo for some holiday cheer.  We all opened gifts and ordered pizza from our local JTs.  After dinner, we carefully chose the Christmas cookies and chocolates to partake in.  
Like Winnie-the-Pooh, we all agreed that Christmas is about togetherness and we were very happy to be surrounded by so many special people.

Camology Quotes:

One of Cam's favorite presents he gave to Chris was a "Dad Joke" button which promised 75 'Bad Dad Jokes' in its description.  Chris has chosen to place this button on the kitchen counter so that he can press it every time he passes through.  So far, the collective favorite was: 

"How did the computer catch a cold? It left a window open!"  

"Good one, 'Dad Joke button'!"

Sunday, December 22, 2024

A Powerchair Party - Week of Dec. 16th

"My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you from doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with.  Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically." ~Stephen Hawking

To some degree, we all yearn for similarities in others.  We find commonalities, familiarity and comradery. For Cameron, this isn't an easy task.  There are very few people in his high school in power wheelchairs.  In the community, he rarely sees anyone else with mobility devices.  Perhaps that is why Friday evening was so special.  

Jane has been on the board of directors for Renew Mobility for more than five years.  During that time, she has gotten to know Matt and Jill who are also board members.  We had chatted on numerous occasions about the two of them coming to our home for dinner.  We finally made it happen.  

Our gathering began at 5p with a surf and turf grilled meal.  Jill made a peppermint chocolate cake with homemade frosting for our dessert.  It was Cam's first official start of winter break after surviving his last half day of school.  His early morning got the best of him and he said goodnight close to 9p.  Our friends remained until after 10 and Cameron told us the next morning that he would definitely stay up later next time.  We all determined that a next time had to happen.  It was the very first time in Cam's life that the powerchair users outnumbered the non-powerchair people in his house!

Saturday afternoon, Jane and her son made their way to Oma's home.  Steff and her son, James were scheduled to meet us there for a Christmas exchange.  It was so good to see them and catch up on things.  Cam received a very cool stress ball with a stand in the shape of a baseball.   After opening presents, we taste-tested Oma's homemade holiday cookies and they were just as delicious as always.  Cameron's grandma had made five dozen cutouts for a cookie decorating event with the grade-school children who were there on Friday.

Our fun-filled weekend ended with a beautiful performance of The Nutcracker.  Ms. Ann's granddaughter, Sophia, played two parts in the production and her mom, Katherine, worked on the crew behind the scenes.  Sophia's cousin, Ella, was also in attendance and helped Ms. Ann sell items from the special Nutcracker boutique.  

The auditorium was filled for the final performance.  Much to everyone's delight, the next day was the first official weekday for school winter break which equated to a bit of sleep-in time for us all!

Camology Quotes:

Cam kept thinking of questions to ask Matt and Jill.  It was easy to see he wouldn't run out of inquiries any time soon.  Here were just a few examples:

"What is the most accessible restaurant in Grand Rapids?"  "What do you do if you can't get in somewhere?"  "Does your service dog know how to help you do everything?"

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Oh, The Weather Outside... Week of Dec. 9th

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt." ~Lewis Carroll, “Through the Looking-Glass”

And just like that, the white stuff returned on Wednesday evening and by Thursday morning, almost every school in the area was closed that day.  Cam's parents are fortunate to be able to work from home, especially when the roadways are a bit treacherous.  Cameron went back to sleep and enjoyed a relaxing day at home.  

A humorous occurence did happen that morning, when each of us decided we would send our own messages to our dear friend, Mrs. Festian to wish her a happy birthday.  When Cam was recording a video message, his dad decided that was the exact time he would send one as well..on Cam's iPad screen is a video of himself.

That afternoon, Cameron requested to help with a project, if possible.  While Jane finished up a meeting, the guys were busy making energy bites.  Energy bites are a scrumptious mixture of oats, peanut butter, vanilla extract, honey, and chocolate chips or m&m's.  Mix together, scoop out, chill in the fridge, and then taste test!

By Friday morning, the roads were cleared and school was back in session.  This was a relief for Cameron since a Target Christmas shopping trip had been on the class schedule for weeks.  

With peer helpers, he worked on choosing gifts for his parents and grandma.  He paid with cash and then back at school, he and his classmates wrapped the presents and the entire crew enjoyed a pizza party.

Late Saturday afternoon, we were on our way to the Double JJ Crazy Horse Restaurant.  We were meeting our cousins for a double birthday celebration.  It was Arthur's 2nd birthday that day and his mom's was the day before.  We actually celebrated Cameron's 17th birthday at this same location so we knew we were allowed to bring in our own special dessert. Our simple cake was placed on a white cloth draped over a tray making it look very official.  

Our dinner was most delicious and the dining area was beautifully decorated and looked so festive.  On the drive home, we took turns choosing songs to play and the trip back seemed to fly by.

Sunday morning, Chris wanted to make a special breakfast for his son.  Cam's dad decided to add food coloring to the waffle mix- red and green in honor of the upcoming holiday.  Cameron, however, did not believe it looked very appetizing!

Camology Quotes:

Jane was working on creating picture puzzles via the local Walgreens store. Oddly enough, she was unable to complete her order one evening.  Cam immediately offered his best technical advice...

"Mom, did Dad change anything on the network?  Is it our firewall? Did you try an incognito browser?"