Pre-op waiting room |
Our view from the 5th fl |
"Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." ~ Lord Byron
Surgery: the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments.

Cam was scheduled for the most major surgery of his young life. A CT scan confirmed in late December that our nine-year-old had a right hip dislocation. He wasn't in any immediate pain, so after a surgical consultation, we made the decision to wait until spring break to undergo the procedure. Cam talked about surgery with his teachers at school and was under the misconception that his hip being outfitted with a plate and screws somehow resembled an object his dinner was served on. When he saw a picture of a medical plate and screws, he commented "that looks like something from my dad's workshop!"

Monday evening, Cam enjoyed a pasta dinner and dessert. He could not eat anything after midnight and could not drink any water after 6am. As one might assume, he woke up at 6:30am very thirsty.

Chris and Jane skipped breakfast too and everyone settled into the van at 7:30a for the trip downtown. Cam's procedure was on the docket for 9:30a. We were in pre-op awaiting the event before 8:30a. A surgical nurse informed us everything was a little delayed. The anesthesiologist arrived and asked Cam "did you enjoy your breakfast this morning?" Cam smiled and responded "I did not have any breakfast!" Trick question from the crafty anesthesiologist. Finally, at 10:30a, the team arrived to take Cam to the operating room. Jane was the chosen parent to escort the brave boy. She was able to stay until he fell fast asleep and was quickly led to the waiting room. Chris and Jane spent the next 4+ hours keeping themselves busy.
Buddy Emma |
One of the surgical nurses provided an update halfway through to let Cam's parents know everything was going very well. Auntie Jo stopped in at lunch time to check on the progress and provide support.
Papa Ken & Amanda |
After a short stint in the recovery room, Cam was assigned to the 5th floor for our two-night stay. He was a big groggy but anxious to eat "lunch" at 5p since he had missed the normal time frame. Little did we know that Tuesday evenings are Pet Therapy time for the kids at Helen DeVos Children's hospital! Cam provided gentle pets to two of the canines right in his hospital bed.
Visitors arrived shortly after we settled in. Ms. Ann brought a large bunch of handmade Get Well cards from her Alma College students and stayed for quite awhile. Patti and best buddy, Emma had Cam open a gift...his very own "Sing" dvd movie. He has declared this his favorite movie!
Papa Ken & Officer puppet |
Teacher, Ms. Kathy |

On Wednesday, we welcomed more guests in the afternoon. Papa Ken and Amanda brought a few gifts too- four puppets, one of them a police officer as well as a stuffed animal and chocolates. Cam's teacher, Mrs. Doorn was able to set up face-time in the afternoon for Cam to say hi to his fellow classmates. She also made the trek downtown and brought Cam a round of homemade Get Well cards from his friends as well as some school work they had completed in class. To round out the day, Auntie Jo arrived with Cam's favorite snacks and a cute stuffed dog with a Helen DeVos bandanna.

Sleep was challenging for us all with attempts to keep up with pain medication and foreign surroundings.
During the day, however, there were different activities to keep us all busy. A kid's room filled with painting, games and crafts was located on another floor as well as a music therapy area. Cam enjoyed the music therapy most as he was serenaded with one of his favorite Katy Perry songs. It was a welcome relief to see our happy boy smiling again.

On Thursday, a former GVSU student, Ms. Ashley dropped by to see her buddy, Cam. We were released late Thursday afternoon and thanked our favorite nurse, Mary, for all of her extra attention and care.
Upon arrival back home, Oma was waiting for us, anxious to see her grandson and hear all about his hospital adventures. She brought plenty of gifts to keep Cam busy and helped immensely with his first two days of at-home care.
The Nolan family dropped by during the week with a huge batman balloon and sweet flowers. A bouquet of Get Well Soon cookies arrived from Chris' company, FTC&H.

The visitors continued on the weekend with the Faber family popping in and Papa Ken making a return visit as well. Oma went back home Saturday with the promise of re-entry on Tuesday.
Although recovery will be challenging, the wave of calming love surrounds this incredible boy.
Camology Quotes:
We told Cam all about April Fool's Day on Saturday afternoon. That evening, he started in with his entries. Belly laughter ensued after each one. He obviously cracked himself up.
After dinner:
"I do not want dessert tonight....long pause...April Fool's!"
At bedtime, Cam called Chris back into his room after saying goodnight:
"I decided I want hot dogs and pickles for breakfast...longer pause...April Fool's!"