A visit to the dentist wasn't quite "ticklish" but parts of it were enjoyable for Cam. Our brave boy didn't mind having his teeth looked at and cleaned by the very nice hygienist. The dental tool that removes the water from your mouth is referred to as "Mr. Sucker" for the kids. For some reason, Cam thinks "Mr. Sucker" is quite hilarious when it sticks to his tongue. Instead of a sticker, Cameron chose a small snake toy that he tried to scare his Dad with.

With a clean bill of health from the dentist, it was smooth sailing the rest of the week. On Friday, the family (with friend Emma) ventured out to the Let's Move Liam Carnival... (www.letsmoveliam.blogspot.com) Liam is one of Cam's good friends from school and a carnival was set up to help raise support for his schooling. There were plenty of games for Cam and Emma to play and even a photobooth. The props shown here were available for the pictures and Cam is trying to hold that sword steady and give his best pirate/argh face! Emma and Cam even won two goldfish- look for upcoming pictures and the chosen fish names.

It will be a few weeks before we have the school pictures, but Cameron certainly looked quite handsome in his white shirt and jeans.