“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.” ~ Margaret Atwood

Every weekday, weather permitting, Cam and Amanda head out on their two+ mile hike around 10am.

Typically, they will see different animals and wildlife. This week, the highlight was a beautiful butterfly.
After a long work week for Chris and Jane, our family was excited to be driving northwest on Saturday mid-morning. This trip was a bit more unique than others as it contained two special elements 1) We were stopping at Dog-n-Suds for lunch and 2) As a family, we had opted to spend the night at Oma and Opa's for the first time in almost two years.

The Montague Dog-n-Suds is a fam favorite. The location opened in 1963 and is only one of two left in the state. Every time we visit, it is always busy. Customers can sit on the outdoor picnic tables or stay in their vehicles and have the food delivered. Usually, Cam drives down the ramp to a lower sidewalk next to White Lake. However, the area is closed due to the high water!

The afternoon was spent lounging and playing on the beach. After a delicious dinner, we made plans to make a sandy campfire. It was time to break out the first s'mores of the season.

Interestingly enough, no one knows for sure who invented the s'more. However, the first published recipe for “some mores" was in a 1927 publication called Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts. Loretta Scott Crew, who made them for Girl Scouts by the campfire, is given credit for the recipe. That seems fitting since Oma and Jane both have history with the Girl Scouts.

As we all devoured our delicious marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker dessert, there was only 1 individual who requested s'more #2....you were thinking, Cam, but it was actually...Oma!

Sunday afternoon brought us another treat with cousin time in the fresh Lake Michigan water. As we socially distanced and enjoyed swimming together in the waves, Jane, Meg and Liz were reminded of their own childhood summers spent laughing and playing together. The best memories are those that bring a smile to our face and this day brought that smile right to your heart.
We are grateful for the refreshing water and family time.

It is said that not every lake dreams to be an ocean. And we selfishly believe that the Lake Michigan sunsets are the most breathtaking.
Camology Quotes:
Cam likes stories and details. If you attempt to provide a "Readers Digest" version of an experience you're relaying, he will promptly interrupt and request that you start over. Many of these conversations take place in the van when Chris is driving.
"Dad, start from the beginning. Dad, turn up your volume, please."