"Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time."~Charles M. Schulz
"We dare not trust our wit for making our house pleasant to our friend so we buy ice cream."~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not everyone loves birthday cake. Cameron's preference is definitely ice cream. He's also discovered that picking out his favorite toppings to add to the frozen treat makes it that much more delicious.

So, for Cam's 5th birthday, the theme was an ice cream sundae bar. Toppings included fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries...and the good stuff- oreos, m&m's, reeses peanut butter cups, cookie dough bites, twix, miniature chocolates, nuts, gummi bears, sauces, etc. plus three flavors of ice cream. Many thanks to Katherine, pictured with boyfriend Paul, for all of the preparation work!

Cam's parents gave him a new bike that hooks onto the bike Chris rides. Previously, Cameron rode on the back which required him to lean and turn to get a good view of the sights while riding. Now he's able to easily look at all of the surroundings while still feeling the breeze in his face. Plus, he has his own pedals to practice riding on his own!

Cam's birthday activities included friends and family enjoying their own ice cream creations, playing baseball in the backyard and just hanging out with everyone.
As an extra treat, Grandma & Grandpa came in for the weekend to spend the night while Jane and her dear friend, Leslie attended their 25th high school reunion with Chris and Leslie's husband, Dan. We're not certain who had more fun that evening, but we certainly send a big thanks to Cam's Oma & Opa!!
Cameron is so blessed to be surrounded by so many who love him and support his every accomplishment!! We can't thank everyone enough for the company, fun and gifts to celebrate one special boy turning five!!