After a couple of years without the white stuff, we experienced the snowiest Christmas on record in 27 years for our city of Grand Rapids as more than 5 inches fell that day.
but patiently waited for Oma and Opa before asking to open stockings. It was a leisurely day for us. After discovering the contents of our stockings, we had a delicious breakfast before settling in to open presents. The whole experience lasted for quite some time as we watched each person unwrap before the next. It is a day when the joy of giving equals or exceeds the joy of receiving.
Later in the afternoon, Chris and Cam tried out their new gaming chairs downstairs and Chris braved the elements to snowplow the driveway. He entered the house looking like the abominable snowman!

So many special gifts were everywhere we looked.. from each other, from Oma and Opa, from our sweet relatives and friends we call family across the country. Chris' dad, Grandpa Jim, sent us an Instant Pot and for Cam, a cool room projector with a note that said "I wanted to give you the world, but I settled for the stars."

Each kid receives two small presents from the white bearded man. We share a potluck dinner and try to catch up with everyone during the short time that goes by much too quickly. We were so very thankful for the extra assistance from Oma and Opa with setup and cleanup duties. Without them, it would have seemed a monumentous task.
Part of our annual Santa Party normally includes sledding, but it was far too chilly outside to partake in outdoor activities that day.
This year, though, it seems we may have ample opportunities to test its capabilities.
As we close out 2017, we are thankful for our family, friends and blessings which seem to grow exponentially with each passing year.
Camology Quotes:
We enjoyed having Oma and Opa with us for almost five whole days during the holiday. Here are a couple of his grandparents' favorites from their stay.
"You need to be more specific, Oma..."
"I wish Christmas was every day and Oma and Opa were here every day!"