Turkey time took the family north to Lake Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and
friends. Aunt Joyce & Uncle Joe hosted everyone and the crowd had so much food
to feast upon including two deep-fried turkeys as well as an oven-roasted one.
Everyone was certainly giving thanks for Grandma's good health, so the family decided she should receive an early present.
The extra special occasion included surprising
Grandma with a new piano keyboard for her birthday and Christmas!
Cameron enjoyed looking at all of the ornaments
on Grandma and Grandpa's tree and even had a little photo shoot.
After all of that excitement, the fun didn't end. Chris, Jane, and Cam met 'Auntie' Jo and her son, Will at
the Santa Train in Coopersville on Saturday. The train travels from Coopersville to Marne and one of its passengers is Santa Claus, along with his elves.
The boys both received a toy car from Santa as well as a candy cane, which Cam thought was quite
It was apparent that both boys would recommend the Santa Train to others, especially if the trip, like theirs, includes a lunch stop at McDonald's immediately following the train ride!