"By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer's best of weather and autumn's best of cheer." ~Helen Hunt Jackson

With each season, comes change...and this week Cameron was due for quite a few!
On Tuesday, our six-year-old embarked on his first day of Kindergarten at his new school, Meadow Brook Elementary.
He was excited about meeting new friends, teachers, and bringing his new lunch tote to school in his backpack! Cam picked out everything for lunch the night before so he'd be all ready. He is one punctual guy. Truth be told, he didn't want to sit for any pictures, but Auntie Roe was quick with the camera. When the school bus arrived home late in the afternoon, there was a crew of people to greet Cameron! His bus driver, Ms. Althea, said you'd think he was a celebrity! In Cam's backpack, there was a bag of items with the following note from Cam's teacher attached that was so special, it had to be shared for all to see.

Items in this bag represent different thoughts as we begin a new school year:
Starburst- Your child is a star in my class.
Smarties- We are going to learn so much in school together this year.
Pencil Eraser- Everyone makes mistakes. That's how we learn.
Snickers- Your child will have fun and laugh a lot.
Rubberband- Let's be flexible and respect each other's opinions.
Cotton Ball- This classroom is full of kind words and warm feelings.
Nestle Treasure- Your child is a treasure. I value our time together.
Sticker- Let's stick together and work as a team.
Snowflake- Respect and admire the students and their differences.
Feather- I am tickled to be working with you and your child!

Cameron's visits from buddy, Emma, will not be as frequent due to school starting, but it's moments like these that remind us how blessed we are to have such great neighbors and friends!

Cam even had some time with some other school buddies, the GVSU graduate students working with him on their project. Pictured here are Ashley and Peter with Cameron, who wanted to show off his yellow hat from school!

The first day of school also marked Katherine's last official day with us, although as we've said so many times, it's not goodbye, only see you later!!
You came into our lives and little did we know, That you couldn't be more perfect and we'd come to love you so...
Thanks cannot convey what you've given to our Cam, You'll be his "Ah-Dah" always and a forever member of our fam!!