Chris and Jane were very overwhelmed at first by the NICU and Cameron's surroundings but were now starting to settle into the temporary environment. They have met a few of the other parents and shared their experiences. They quickly learned that Cameron was much stronger and bigger than most of the other babies in the NICU. Cam's parents were now trying to help the nurses out whenever they could by changing his diapers and taking his temperature.
Cameron continued to receive many visitors on
Monday. Jane's mother stopped by again to help us through the day (you are going to spoil us Grandma!). Then Lauren stopped by again with another one of our good friends Christine. They hung out with us for a while until Uncle Jon and Aunt Betsy stopped by for a visit. In the evening, Chris and Jane are able to care for Cameron together. On this particular evening, Jane was changing Cam's diaper when she inadvertently diapered his hands into his pampers (oops!!!).
Tuesday, Chris went back to work and brought 'It's a Boy!!' candy cigars in for everyone. Chris stops by to see Cameron in the morning before he goes into work at 10:00 then he comes back to the hospital after work to see his son again. Jane gets a ride up to the hospital everyday from one of our many supportive friends and family then comes home with Chris in the evening.
Jane's cousin, Dirk and his wife Lisa brought Jane to the hospital on Tuesday and stayed with her most of the day. Cameron was under the bili-lights today and looked like he was tanning with his cool goggles. This was used to correct his Bilirubin count which was causing a slight case of Jaundice in his skin. Our neighbors Steve and Patty stopped by in the late afternoon to see the little man. Then Joanne came by again after work to checkup on Cameron and Jane.
Wednesday we were really starting to get into the routine. Today, Cameron's bilirubin was way down so they were able to remove the 'tanning lights'. Jennifer Cronk hung out with Jane and 'lil C' all day. Mary Mason stopped by in the afternoon to see the little man. And once again 'big sis' Lauren (wow, you are awesome) visited her favorite beb-bay. Heather Knapp drove in all the way from Ionia with her kids to drop off a special gift for Jane. Unfortunately the only young kids allowed in NICU are direct family. That evening, Cameron met his 'Auntie' Amanda Darnell who came in from Tawas, MI to see us.
Thursday was a great day! No more CPAP!!! Cameron is digesting all of his breast milk and they doubled his intake. Jane and 'Auntie' Amanda were very excited as they watched Cameron's progress all day. Jane was able to hold Cam for several hours throughout the day. Mike and Kevin stopped by in the afternoon to visit and were pleased to see Cameron's progress for themselves.
Friday was another good day. The greeter at the front desk thinks Cameron gets more visitors than anyone else. To prove this point, Grandma Mary Ellen, 'Auntie' Amanda and Cousin Annie all stayed with Cam for the entire day. His feedings were increased again and his mom was able to hold him for a very long time again today.