As a family, we have had the benefit of so many people being connected to Cameron. As Cam's parents, we feel most fortunate to be blessed with a boy who lights up a room with his smile, make us laugh on a daily basis, and brightens everyone's day.

One of Cam's connections is his nanny, Miss Katherine. She helps Cameron create different crafts and activities, works on his stretching, and challenges him in so many ways. Beyond these talents, she is also a gifted photographer. We were most fortunate to have her agree to take our holiday photos again this year. Thanks again, Katherine!!
We had a new visitor to our backyard this week- a neighborhood fox that keeps popping up around the area. Our cat, Stella, and Cam were both quite intrigued by the sly animal's presence.

To fully engage in the holiday spirit, Jane and Cam met up with Auntie Jo and Will over the weekend to drive through the "Nite Lights" display at our local ballpark. It is a mile long animated drive-thru light show. The boys enjoyed their time together and their moms had the advantage of a little girl time.

Below is a preview of our holiday card coming to your mailbox soon!
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