Cameron started off the week with a very special surprise... another birthday celebration with his 'second'

family, the Ringlers! Jane, Chris & Cam enjoyed an incredible home-cooked meal and a very special cake, made personally by Cam's 'Big Sis' Lauren and her boyfriend, John. It was incredibly yummy and Cameron definitely agreed!! What a lucky boy to have 2 cakes in 2 days. Cameron saw balloons for the very first time and w

as pretty interested in them. They've been floating in his room all week and he loves to look at them. Many thanks to the Ringler

family for a wonderful celebration & Cameron's fun presents! It was a bittersweet evening since Chris, Jane & Cam had to say goodbye to 'Big Sis' Lauren who's heading to school out in Colorado.
Before Cameron's 2nd bday festivities, he had his 12 month appt with the doctor. She commented how much he's grown- he now weighs almost 21 lbs and is a little over 28 inches tall. The doc said he can switch over to whole milk in the next month or so. Cameron even gave the doc a big smile, until of course, those 3 vaccination shots were given.
Cameron spent the remainder of the week catching some of the Olympics with his parents. He did get caught up in the excitement, so maybe look for him in the 2020 or 2024 games!

This first year has been pretty incredible and Chris & Jane couldn't be more proud of their son and how far he's come. Thank you all for your amazing love and support!
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