With three days left to spend with Cam's Uncle John, cousin Jalayna and Grandma Sue, we tried to pack in lots of fun. Games were played Monday morning as Jalayna was determined to test out every board game in Cam's collection.

Tuesday was set aside for beach time and we all migrated to the cottage in two vehicles with six people now in tow. Chris's brother, John, hadn't ever been to the lakeside home. The water was warm enough for swimming and beach time was relaxing. Grandma Sue, Oma and Opa stayed on the deck watching the activity and catching up. Layna discovered the walkie talkies and insisted she and her cousin Cam use them most of the afternoon. As an added bonus, we had a fish dinner at the Haroldson cottage and dessert before heading back to Grand Rapids.

Our new tradition is seeing how tall Grandma Sue and Jalayna are next to Cam while he is in standing mode. And we were able to capture a great pic of Chris and his brother, John. After a home-cooked meal, Cam's dad drove them to the airport.
Thursday and Friday had us back in the swing of things but missing Grandma Sue, John and Layna was at the top of our list. Ms. Amanda kept Cam busy and they wore their matching "We go together like peanut butter and jelly" shirts to Grand Valley on Friday. Cam was scheduled for two sessions working with the graduate students and both groups were great.

We traveled northward again on Saturday eager to see Oma, Opa and our cousins. After a bit of beach time, we gathered together for the best summer dinner- burgers, hot dogs, brats, summer sausage, potato salad, veggies and more. We had a great time visiting with everyone! As we were leaving, an impending storm was making its way across the lake. The sky looked threatening and upon arrival back home in Grand Rapids, a deluge of rain seemed to sweep across our driveway and street just after we made it inside.
It was quite the storm that evening, but the Weatherford household was fast asleep after an exciting day.
Camology Quotes:
After Chris took his mom, brother and niece to the airport, Cam and his mom were left alone in the very quiet house. Communicating is always key and expressing emotion unlocks and releases what we are feeling.
"Mom, I am very sad that they're gone."
Me too, Cam. I'm more sad than I thought I would be.
"I am really sad. I need some time alone."
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