"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high--There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby--Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue--And the dreams that you dare to dream--Really do come true" ~first recorded by Judy Garland, October 1938
Rainbows are elusive. When you're eager to see one, they don't seem to appear. At times, when you least expect it, the intense beauty is captivating and comforting at the same time.

Although a rainbow unicorn may not exist, we were determined to construct one for our friend, Lylah. Our crew was small but mighty. A unicorn tail was created, lighting was added, and sparkles were applied. Lylah was very happy with the end result and her smile shone as brightly as the twinkling colors. It was a bit chilly to have her in full costume, but we may be able to snap a pic at her school's Halloween parade next week!

Cam received his physical therapy this week in different ways. At school, he is standing daily in his powerchair, supported by his knee blocks. He can participate in activities while in the stand mode and can also drive around in that position.

During his PT session outside of school, Patrick worked on hamstring stretching and taught Jane how to assist with the stretch at home. Before each physical therapy appointment, Cam has a swimming lesson which is in the same building... in case you were wondering why he's wearing a bathing suit.
Over the weekend, we completed indoor projects which mostly consisted of Cam helping his dad figure out some home networking challenges.
Sunday afternoon, we headed over to Brody's Be Café to help with trunk or treat activities. Very similar to trick or treat, adults open the trunk of their vehicle, decorate it and then pass out candy in a parking lot lined with decorated trunks. The Village of Ada puts on the event every year in the parking lot adjacent to Brody's Be Café.
Cam became part of the welcoming committee since our small group was the first candy station the kids stopped at. Although Cam's official costume wasn't ready on Sunday, we had kept a Captain America blanket from one of his former Halloween entries. Since the afternoon was a bit chilly, it served a dual purpose!

Camology Quotes:
Cam is empathetic. His teachers have always shared examples of how Cam cares for his friends, teachers and other students. This week, one of his classmates and good friend was grieving the recent loss of her dad to cancer. Cam told us how they had made a tie blanket for her and each day after school he reported how she was doing. In the evenings, he commented that he hoped his classmate was doing ok. On Friday after school, he shared this with us..."At school today, I got a Husky ticket. It was for being compassionate and a good friend this week."
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