John Milton coined the phrase 'silver lining' in his poem Comus: A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634: "Was I deceived, or did a sable cloud
Turn forth her silver lining on the night?”

Having our whole family in the house each and every day is a new experience. Chris is now working full-time from home as well due to the governor's announcement for a stay at home order for Michigan.

When Jane was taking a quick break from work, she and Cam decided to check out the guest rooms. Jane noticed the alarm clock hadn't been changed and went to work setting the time on the desk device. Cam started shouting, "Mom, look! Look up!" She turned around and saw what her son was looking at- water dripping from the ceiling and a completely soaked guest bed. They went to get Chris from his office and he went to work opening the ceiling. Sure enough, a pipe was leaking. It was a big mess but would have been an even bigger debacle had mom and son not decided to venture around downstairs! Thanks to Cam, repairs are in process.

Stretching is on the daily agenda and a part of Chris' office is our workout room. Cam happily spent 30 minutes stretching on floor.

This helps his muscles not feel so tight and hopefully he can convince his parents to do a little exercising during this time as well.
A sunny day signaled a stroll outside while walking inside remains a key part of Cam's day. Fortunately for us, our sixth grader enjoys homework and has actually asked for more!
He continues to tell his parents how much he misses school, his routine, his teachers and friends. It seems when we are all told we cannot do something, the need feels greater.

As the weather continues to inch towards a warmer spring, we were able to get outside again over the weekend. Chris and Cam used the powered leaf blower in an attempt to move the leaves out of the backyard. Even though Cam's dad is hopeful for a very strong breeze to push them over the embankment, in the meantime, father and son made a nice dent in the clean up effort. There was one casualty during the task...Cam's chair found some muddy patches in the yard and it was completely caked on. As our positive son noted, "at least my chair will be extra clean now!"

Always, each and every day, find the silver lining!
Camology Quotes:
It is still a bit odd to not be rushing around every week day morning helping Cam get ready for school. Typically, our son is consistently reminding his parents certain things need to be done. As he left the kitchen one morning, Jane reminded him he needed his vitamins.
Cam- I can't believe I remembered and you did not?
"That's a first!" (said with genuine surprise and not sarcasm)
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