“Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein
The morning was cool, the air was crisp, and the sun was shining. Saturday was one of those activity-filled days that would have been tough to squeeze one more thing into. First stop on the list was Mary Free Bed for the event, Bikes For The Rest of Us.

More than 75 children and adults with physical disabilities were introduced to adaptive bicycling during Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital’s annual Bikes for the Rest of Us event on Saturday.
Each participant was paired with a therapist to determine the necessary adaptations that will enable them to pedal alongside their able-bodied friends.
“This event helps Mary Free Bed promote health and wellness beyond rehabilitation,” said Maria Besta, manager of Mary Free Bed’s Wheelchair & Adaptive Sports Program.
Bikes for the Rest of Us has taken place for more than 25 years. Thanks to a donation from the Mary Free Bed Guild, eligible participants receive funding to help offset the cost of adapted bikes and equipment.
More than 70 volunteers, including Mary Free Bed therapists, nurses and staff members, and community volunteers donated their time and talents to help make the event a success.}

Cam was first asked to chose a bike helmet (to keep!) and then made the rounds to determine if any recycled bikes would work for him. We came close to finding a used model, but ended up ordering one similar to the blue sporty bike he fit quite well in. Jane & Cam even ended up on the evening news,
WoodTV8, for just a few seconds (blink and you'll miss it!)

Directly from downtown, we headed north to the West Michigan Miracle League where the Zeeland High School boys baseball team were our volunteer helpers. One of Cam's buddies from preschool, MacKenzie is also on Cam's team along with his best bud, Brody.

Cam Fans in attendance included Oma and Opa as well as Cam & Brody's teacher, Ms. Kathy and her husband, Kevin. The sunshine kept us all smiling while the hot cocoa kept us warm.

After a quick lunch at home, next up was a birthday party for one of Cam's longtime friends, Liam. For his 10th celebration, the occasion was Olympic-themed. Games and races were all set up when we arrived.

With the inflatable oversize soccer ball, every boy enjoyed a turn moving across the field. The party-goers split up into teams of bubble-blowers and bubble-poppers. A race around the yard, water balloon toss and other activities filled the time. The weather turned a bit warmer, coats were shed, and outdoor time reigned. Liam's mom, Betsy, even had a medal ceremony and everyone was honored with a medallion.

After some delicious homemade birthday cupcakes, Liam happily opened his presents and we said our thanks and goodbyes. Cam also left with an Olympic gift bag complete with treats.
Next stop was to head north for a sleepover at Oma and Opa's to work on finishing the bathroom remodel. After a couple more trips to Lowe's (in the evening and morning), we had made progress, but were unable to cross the finish line.
The big lake reminds us that the setting sun fades away so we'll be ready to begin anew the next day.
Camology Quotes:
At school, Cam uses a speech to text software program that allows his words to be automatically typed into a document. The following was one his teacher, Ms. Kathy sent along. She included the comment- "Cam filled my bucket today with some nice voice-typing!"
"I like school.
I like being in Ms. Kathy's class room.
I like doing math.
I like reading."
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