Sunday, January 31, 2016

When Family Comes to Town - Week of Jan. 25th

"Friends are family we choose for ourselves" ...a well-known quote with such poignant reference for us.

Cam made use of his growing baking skills this week.  He and 'Auntie' Roe took time on a half day of school to make a big batch of their famous banana bread with chocolate chips.  These two always end up with some of the ingredients on their faces.

Friday was end of semester break for Cam and with a day off of school, we were fortunate to have Oma and Opa come and spend the entire afternoon and over night with us!  The hours went by quickly as Cam's grandma showed him how to mend some holes in clothes and the two made homemade applesauce together.  That evening, we had special plans to celebrate Opa's birthday at Outback Steakhouse- yum!  On the way home, we told Cam's grandpa we wanted to treat him to some ice cream.  After a short discussion, he sided with his grandson's first dessert choice of Culver's frozen custard.  Of course, everyone had to have a little sundae.

As an added treat, 'Auntie' Karen drove from Chicago on Saturday to spend the day and night with us.  She was excited to see the new pool and to go in the warm water with Cam.  We all spent the late afternoon splashing and swimming over at the YMCA.  We sure worked up an appetite and back at home, we cooked a delicious steak dinner.  'Auntie' Karen surprised Cam with an early Valentine's gift- a stuffed animal dog that flaps his ears while "Best Day of My Life" plays.  It was a hit!

Upon 'Auntie' Karen's departure on Sunday, spontaneous plans were made and Patti and Emma took Jane and Cam to see the Peanuts movie.  The awesome gift was actually Cam's birthday present that just hadn't worked out yet due to schedules and waiting for the right show.  The movie was great, the company even better and the large popcorn was devoured.

A big thanks to Oma and Opa and our extended family members, Auntie Roe, Auntie Karen, Patti and Emma for giving us the gift of your time and special treats.

On a fitting side note, when Jane stepped outside after a delivery truck had dropped a package off, she noticed that the tire tracks made a lovely picture in the frosty driveway.

Cam-ology Quotes:
Dad took Cam to the dentist this week.  When the dentist asked Chris how many times Cam brushes his teeth, Chris indicated that he always uses his toothbrush twice a day, morning and bedtime.  To which Cam piped in...
"Not in the morning every time, Dad!"

It has been noted that Cam tells his parents his deal every night.  This week, when it was time for deal, Cam was silent.  "What are you waiting for Cam?"
"I was waiting for you to say please!"

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