Sometimes, there are so many things you want to accomplish one must have a list! Cam had a lot of ideas to fill his weekend and decided that Dad should be certain none of them were left out.

You hear many folks complain about the long Michigan winters and some definitely take their place in the record book. This year, though, winter has been slow to arrive in full force. For the first time during this milder cold season, we took Cam sledding. And as a bonus, it was a beautiful, sunny day! Both our front and back yards have their own merits in the form of activities. We opted for the front yard to test out a new tube.
Jane really wanted to try it out so she and Cam took the first run!

Not much steering control, so after careening down the hill, barely missing the neighbor's driveway and up onto some snow covered rocks, Cam and his mom landed at the bottom of their own driveway- whew! After a few runs, we were able to check sledding off the list.

The next day, we kept our choices moving forward with swimming at the Y. As a family investment, we joined the new
Mary Free Bed YMCA back in December. However, even though the facility opened last month, we have been anxiously awaiting the use of the family pool. Cam insisted on showing his dad where everything was since he had a quick tour a few days before. The cool chair shown in the background of the picture is found at both ends of the pool and works great to easily bring Cam into and out of the pool itself. In addition, it's a pretty cool ride!

Both Chris and Jane took turns swimming with Cam as he kicked his legs and floated on his back. The complimentary use of the pool noodles and life jackets were a plus. After an hour of pruning our skin, it was time to head out onto other adventures and cross a few more things off the list :)
Cam-ology Quotes:
Cam was home for a sick day and tried out his parents heated mattress pad while relaxing on their bed...
"Mom, I think this would be a good idea for my bed."
Chris and Cam drove over to Moe's to pick up dinner after Cam was home with Mom for his sick day...
"Thanks guys for picking up dinner for all of us."
"It was our pleasure, Mom!"
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