Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Chair - Week of Feb. 9th

Chris brought home an amazing two-dozen rose bouquet that looks so beautiful in the kitchen. Jane certainly felt like quite the lucky woman. Valentine's Day is actually the day Cameron's parents met 11 years ago, so it is a very special day.

On Tuesday, Cam had a progress clinic appointment at DeVos Children's. His doc noted that he's very healthy, happy, and right on track for the growth charts. The biggest hurdle Cam has is building his muscle tone, which he works on every week with different activities. He certainly seems to be getting more exercise than his parents these days- way to go Cam!

Cameron has been hanging out in a new chair this week, complete with rainforest characters and toys built in. He really seems to enjoy it and especially likes to push the monkey around in circles.

Since Cam loves to give kisses to everyone, he received a little hedgehog stuffed animal that 'gives kisses' when you press the heart it's holding.

Hope everyone had a happy V-Day!

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