Such was the case with Ms. Amanda this week. As a kindergarten teacher, she meets new students and parents every year. One set of parents is very artistic and sells their creations online. Amanda connected with them and requested a custom sign for Cam's upcoming birthday. It was finished on Monday and she couldn't wait for Cam's actual bday and presented it to him on Tuesday morning. The customized sign was a joint effort with Amanda providing a picture of Cam's powerchair and talking about his love of baseball. It looks just perfect on his bedroom door! He thanked Ms. Amanda profusely.
Saturday was our big outing day. We traveled to the cottage with our packed lunch and beach towels, ready for some beach time. After we ate and caught up with our cousins, we all headed down to the lake. The water was warm and the waves were calmer than in the past few weeks. While Chris and Cam were out in Lake Michigan, there was a bit of a tipsy plunge into the water which made Cam laugh for quite some time.
Oma and her grandson had fun chatting it up on the deck while Jane took one last dip into the lake.
Cam and his mom drove separately from Chris because he was scheduled for volunteering for the non-profit, Lori's Voice, at the Berlin Raceway. It was a very warm afternoon and he texted Jane upon his arrival at the raceway. Cam's dad told us to take our time getting there due to the heat and loud noises. We were thankful for his advice since we had more time to visit with our family.
Cam and Jane parked the van close to the raceway entrance and found Chris. We saw many of our friends there, including April, the founders of Lori's Voice- Lori and Dave Hastings, as well as many other families we know in the community. It was a successful event and after getting to bed a bit later, sleeping in the next day was mandatory!
Camology Quotes:

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