During the week, Michigan dealt with very high winds and loud thunderstorms over two consecutive nights. Although we didn't experience a power outage, neighboring streets did. Around the corner from us, major damage was found in the form of toppled trees and twisted power lines. The noisy nights didn't seem to bother Cam as it related to sleeping. We have noticed over the years, though, that Cam seems to have super sonic hearing at times. His parents will be talking very quietly in the other room and suddenly he will comment about something they are discussing.

As August is approaching its mid-month point, we feel the pull of Lake Michigan as we try to soak up every last bit of summer while it's still here. For both Saturday and Sunday, we made all-day trips to the cottage to see Oma and Opa and our cousins. The weather continues to be picture-perfect on the weekends allowing us plenty of sunshine and swimming activities. One sad casualty of the storms during the week was our Haroldson cousin's awesome raft. The winds gusted to over 60mph and ripped it from its cinder block rope and left a gaping hole. After multiple attempts at patching over the weekend, it seemed a lost cause. As Libby commented, "the lake took a good one." Thanks to the Cam-mobile, our son still had his share of water fun.

As an early birthday treat, the Haroldson family planned a bday luncheon for Cam on Sunday. We thought it might be fun to surprise him but his keen ear caught on when we were chatting about the upcoming lunch during Saturday's beach day. Instead of being surprised just on Sunday, he kept guessing about what was to come. A delicious spread of burgers and hot dogs, homemade pasta salad, fresh fruit, pickles and all sorts of chips and dips were served consisting of Cam's favorites. And for birthday dessert, an array of chocolate cupcakes topped with Reese's peanut butter cups made for a very tasty treat. The Haroldson fam gave their cousin a very cool Grand Rapids Officer 2021 sweatshirt with "Cam" emblazoned on the back. And family friends Molly and Jude presented the almost 14-year- old with a Himalaya salt lamp.

Oma and Opa rounded out the birthday giving with a new swimsuit, shirt, an astronomy book and the game of Qwirkle. It seems Cam has always been surrounded by love and as each year passes, he continues to physically grow, but also mentally. Thoughtfulness and empathy seem to remain at the forefront of his characteristics and for this, his parents are very thankful!
Camology Quotes:
When we are together as a family with Oma and Opa, Cam likes to say the blessing before eating dinner. On Saturday, he announced this unique one. "I pray that everyone will have a good time with my surprise tomorrow and that it will be fun for everybody!"
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