Ruff Readers at the local library |
persevere: to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.
"A river cuts through the rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence." ~Jim Watkins

The last week of summer school for Cam was bittersweet. Two teachers he has known all through grade school will no longer see him in the halls at school since he will be in a 5/6 building this fall.
An email from Ms. Kathy certainly summed things up:
Subject: Just a little Cam quote that made my day
I love how "formal" he is some times in his use of language.
"Ms. Kathy, it has been a pleasure working with you these years. I will miss you." I could only reply, "Cam, it has been a pleasure and delight working with you as well. " :-)

Friday was quite the early morning for our family. We were scheduled to be at Mary Free Bed @6am for Cam's baclofen test. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer that can help reduce spasticity. Cam went under anesthesia and they injected a test dose into his spine to determine if there would be a positive reaction. Throughout the day he was measured by a 27-year veteran physical therapist, Ms. Jennifer. The results are used to determine if Cam is a good candidate for a baclofen pump surgery- stay tuned!

After being in the hospital for 10 hours, we weren't certain if our son would be ready for a cousin's baseball game and overnight at the cottage the very next day, but as we've come to realize, Cam never wants to give up or give in.

The afternoon sun lit up the baseball field in Montague, just 10 minutes from the cottage. The crew assembled was divided into teams and we all witnessed our cousin Harper crush the ball right out of field, scoring a couple of home runs. The best part of these players and spectators is the encouragement and never losing sight of the fact that we're together to play and have fun. And what better way to end the day then a trip to Fricano's in Muskegon for pizza and ice cream!

On Sunday after lunch, Chris, Jane and Cam headed to the beach. It is customary for Cam to have a small snack upon arrival. Unfortunately, some of the snack crackers were a bit stale so Chris threw them off to the side. And who should appear a few minutes later? A little bandit we nicknamed 'Rocky Raccoon' who most definitely was not frightened in the least bit of other beach-goers.
We actually had to shoo him away when he tried a sneak attack from the back to see what other delicious contents may exist in our bag.

After our rodent adventure, we started off down the beach (with our bag of course) for the Schulze cottage to see our cousins. They had just gone up, but happily trotted back down to the beach to hang out with us. Miss Ella showed off her kitchen to Cam while her brother Gavin tested his throwing skills with sand balls into the lake.

Lake Michigan was rough and rip current warnings were in place. It was too wavy for Cam's kayak and even for Cam to swim with one of his parents.
Aunt Joyce, however, offered to sit on the beach and had a nice chat with her grand-nephew while Chris and Jane battled the waves and swam for a bit.

Late afternoon, we made our way back to Grand Rapids for our annual summer meal with the Raisch and Flegel families. Everyone contributed to our delicious meal of chicken caeser salad with all of the fixings, homemade cheesy bread, corn on the cob and two desserts.
What a perfect ending to a week filled with nearly every emotion on the planet!

Camology Quotes:
When Cam was younger, Jane used to sing him songs at bedtime.
His sweet soul sometimes takes even his mom by surprise!
"Mom, you know what it makes me think of when it's raining?"
(singing) "š¯… You are my sunshine…my only sunshine....you make me happy when skies are gray♫"
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