Sunday, October 7, 2012

Star Student - Week of Oct. 1st

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
~Albert Camus

We are most fortunate to live in a state where the four seasons are definitive and purposeful.
While our family went on a drive to Home Depot over the weekend, we snapped this pic while in the car never thinking the image would capture how beautiful the colors were...

Another picture-perfect photo (thanks to Katherine!) was captured this week of our "Star Student"- Mr. Cameron Jackson!
Each week, the students in Cam's class are given a different job or task to be in charge of for the duration of their time in school.  One student is given the honor of being "star student" and this week, Cam was chosen.  He was beyond excited about this opportunity.  He picked out his favorite photos to bring into class and the teachers helped him put them up on the board.  Cameron also was asked to chose one item for show-and-tell...a big note was sent home indicating it could not be a live animal or food, so we decided not to send Stella the cat.  Cam brought his saxoflute- an instrument that is a cross between a saxophone and a flute.  He can make very loud sounds with it and his classmates loved it!

With the weather turning a bit cooler and the rain falling, it seems that it's still a bit impossible for Cameron's mood to be affected.  Even in the chilly wet climate, Cam sports his smile proudly!

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