It was a Christmas week at the Weatherford household! On Wednesday, Cam's godparents, Jo
and Chris, came over with their son, Will, to celebrate the holiday.
Cameron & Will had lots of fun playing with toys and then, had lots of fun opening presents that happened to be new toys!! The boys had a great time and so did all of the adults. Many thanks to the Alford family, including Jeanne, for the special Christmas gifts.

Christmas Eve included a church service with our friends and
neighbors, the Raisch's. Cam was such a good boy during the service and even played on the floor with Emma for part of the time.

Christmas Day was filled with so much activity that Cameron decided to skip his nap completely...

At the end of the day, Cameron was already dreaming about next year's Christmas!

A very special thanks to our Ringler family for hosting a beautiful dinner and gathering on Sunday evening. Everything was so delicious and it was wonderful to be in the company of all of you!!
We hope that everyone had a very meaningful Christmas with family and friends.
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