In the Weatherford household, it was Jane's turn for travel. She flew out Monday afternoon to Philadelphia and arrived back in Grand Rapids on Thursday before dinner. Chris and his son had some 'guy time' in the evenings.
Cam has always been curious. As his vocabulary increased, so did his inquires. Perhaps his most-used expression is "I Have a Question" which originated at school. As with many school-related things, this phrase has permeated his life outside of an educational setting.
Even in casual conversation at home, Cameron will still pop in with "I have a question" to initiate his query. There are certain tv shows that we record to watch with Cam. Whenever he hears a word or grouping of words that is unfamiliar, his common phrase is heard. This week, Cam's list included, but was not limited to questions about the following terms: Decisive, hypochondriac and safecracking. The most impressive thing to Jane and Chris is that once their son understands the word or phrase, he will use it appropriately moving forward.
Sunday afternoon, we were back at Cannonsburg for the second adaptive skiing session.
Since we worked through all of issues on our first outing, the multiple treks down the slope were super smooth. Our amazing volunteers were in full force. Mr. Jim navigated Cam down the ski hill while Ms. Jessie and Cam's parents acted as blockers to ensure safety for everyone.
It was incredibly cold as the temperatures only reached 15 degrees. The sun appeared momentarily but it wasn't enough to warm our fingers and toes.
Later that afternoon, back at home, we all relaxed and covered up in blankets. It was time to get warm again!
Camology Quotes:
Saturday morning, Cam had one of his longest sleep-ins ever. He didn't wake up until 9am! Sunday morning was a later morning again and he excitedly shouted:
"I can't believe I did it again!"
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