Sunday, September 15, 2024

Put Me in Coach! - Week of Sept. 9th

Brody's Be Cafe opened in late October, 2019, just 5 months prior to Covid shutting down the world.  Many didn't think it could survive, much less thrive.  Cameron told us he wanted to work there when he was old enough.  Of course, Cam remembers everything and has been volunteering/working now for the last two summers.  It's more than a coffee is belonging, it is believing in yourself and your abilities and it is true and total acceptance in the workplace.  

We knew a busy week was upon us. Monday and Thursday were Cam's MFB physical and occupational therapy appointments after school.  Tuesday's destination was an oral surgery consultation for Cameron and Wednesday was the 3rd Annual Be Benefit at Brody's Be Cafe. 

"Put Me in Coach" was the chosen theme to spotlight the coaches who work alongside the "BEristas" at the cafe.  The sports idea permeated in every way.  Each of the employees wore a custom Be Cafe sports jersey.

More than a month ago, we reached out to one of Cam's favorite bus drivers, Ms. Christie, to ask her how we would go about requesting a bus to transport the BEristas and Coaches to the event.  She graciously indicated she would love to be the driver and provided the name of the individual for Jane to contact.  We were surprised and thankful when Dean Transportation told us that everything would be gifted for the Cafe.  They were not charging us anything!  All of the workers arrived by bus and were announced by location.  We couldn't have requested better weather.

Fishbeck, where Chris has worked for more than 20 years, was a sponsor once again.  His co-workers came out to support as well as many of Cam's school connections including Mrs. Festian, Mrs. Gallery. the Kleins and many others.  The food was delicious, the silent auction baskets were impressive and the live auction was exhilarating.  Jane moderated a short Q&A on the stage with a parent, a coach and a BErista.  Cam proudly joined the other workers at the front of the auditorium and remained there until the event wrapped up. It was incredible to feel the connected audience there to support the cause and mission.

After a short reprieve, our next event was Friday evening.  Lori's Voice held their annual charity golf event.  As a board member, Chris was signed up to attend.  Jane brought Cam out after an early dinner.  Once again, the weather cooperated and the mild conditions made for a very successful afternoon/early evening.  Our buddy, Ms. Tracy, who we've known for many years due to her affiliation with Cam's equipment needs, was a part of Chris's team.
Cam and his mom chatted with the executive director, Ms. Rebecca and her sweet daughter, Gracie.

Saturday was a whirlwind of activity as well.  The WMML baseball game for Cam was slated for a 10am start.  The mild stretch of weather we were experiencing continued.  
Each season, Cameron provides a list of people to send the baseball schedule to.  Every spring and fall, we see his two favorite elementary school teachers, Ms. Kathy and Ms. Barbara.  They never miss attending at least one game!
We always request Brody and Cam to be on the same team and the league consistently honors it.  Once again, Coach Mark and his son Zach were leading our players.

Later that afternoon, it was time to get ready for the Homecoming Dance at FH Northern High.  Cameron was meeting a group a friends for pictures and dinner.  His best bud since kindergarten, Brody along with classmate Maddison, who was also Brody's date, and another class member Emmitt all met up in a church parking lot for photos.  Following pics, the kids and moms headed to Kitchen 57 for a most delicious dinner.  
The dance was scheduled from 8p-10p.  Our group arrived right before entry.  Brody's mom and Maddison's mom, along with Jane were all chaperones.
The cafeteria area was transformed into an enormous dance floor.

There weren't too many kids there right at the opening time, but it certainly filled up quickly.  With so many people, Jane wonders how Cam will navigate.  He always finds a way and loves seeing his classmates.  Even though his powerchair weighs 450 lbs, he takes it all in stride.  In reality, it is the fellow students that need to be on the lookout for his wheels.
Cam requested to leave before the big crowds which made for a smooth exit.
Our junior was very happy he decided to attend and his parents were pleased that he chose to soak up more of the high school experience.
Sunday was truly our only day of rest this week and we were all relieved to have some respite!

Camology Quotes:

Cam and Brody have acquired quite a few pictures together.  Google photos created a cool collage of them for Jane and she sent it to Brody's mom, Jenny.  She called Jane right away and because Cam and his mom were in car returning from the oral surgeon appointment, she put it on speaker.  While they were chatting, Cam announced that there was a gas cap off of a car in front of them and his mom should probably call the police.  While Jenny laughed, Jane explained that we typically don't alert the authorities for that type of situation.  As we pulled into the driveway, Cam asked his mom:

"Mom, did I really see that gas cap or was I just delusional?"

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