It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a memory is priceless.
The beginning of the week was spent talking about all of the stories behind the planning of the B.S.E. "biggest surprise ever" as we're now referring to it. All of the collaboration between Cam, Ms. Ann, Oma and Auntie Karen was unbelievable to hear about.
It was Ms. Amanda's last full week with us and none of could believe the school start date of Aug. 21 that we received at the beginning of the week! Cam concentrated on helping Amanda with setting up her kindergarten class. Monday evening, Cam's parents went out to dinner with Auntie Leslie and Wes while Amanda and her buddy hung out together at the house.
Tuesday was a work day for Cam at the Cafe and we all headed over during the lunch hour to see him in action. He's much more comfortable now, a bit more assertive and has greater confidence due to his summer job. With fresh fish and sweet corn from the market that day, Wes and Cam took on the task of husking the corn. Our dinner of the market fish and fresh veggies hit the spot.
Wednesday afternoon, we had to say "see you later" to Auntie Leslie and Wes as they headed back to North Carolina. We were so thankful for their company, their help and most importantly, their laughter and love. Since it was the actual day of Chris and Jane's wedding anniversary, they had planned to go out that evening while Ms. Ann stayed with Cam. But it was Cam's parents turn to be sneaky. When Ms. Ann arrived, we announced to her and Cam that we were taking them out to dinner!
Our weekend plans included family time. Saturday afternoon, Cam and Jane dropped off Chris in Coopersville at a non-profit event for Lori's Voice. Then, Mom and son headed to Grand Haven to visit Oma and Opa.
We had some technology issues to address which Cam and Jane completed. It was a windy day, but nice outside so we decided to take a stroll around the grounds. After a couple of hours, we headed back to pick up Chris in Coopersville. Cousin Libby had given Cam a U of M football jersey which he wore that day. It was a big hit and quite a few people commented.
Sunday afternoon we made our way northward again to see our cousins and have some beach time. The new Cammobile+ had some water time. With the new ramp at the Haroldsons, Cam can easily drive all the way to the lower deck. His younger cousins really love the ramp too.
We all dined together on the beach deck. It was so awesome to see Cameron comfortable in his own chair so close to the shoreline. There is so much we take for granted. We are beyond thankful for our family!
Cam loves school. Since he didn't attend summer school this year, we tried to include some extra activities. Every August, he has always noted that he can't wait to return. At the end of this week, though, his thoughts were a bit different and definitely in line with how his parents felt 'back in the day' the closer it was to Labor Day.
"I'm going to miss this summer. I'm not ready to go back to school."
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