Sweet roses from Chris & Cam |
People consider pink and red the colors of love. According to the National Confectioners Association, around 65% of Americans believe that the packaging of Valentine's Day candies and chocolates should be red and pink.
Candy hearts were originally medical lozenges. In 1847, Boston pharmacist Oliver Chase invented a machine that simplified the lozenge production process, resulting in the first candy-making machine, according to The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America. After identifying an opportunity to revolutionize the candy business, Chase shifted his focus to candy production with Necco wafers. It wasn't until 15 years after the creation of Necco wafers that Daniel Chase's brother, Oliver Chase, developed a way to press words onto the candy lozenges with a felt roller pad and vegetable food coloring. According to The Huffington Post, the conversation candies officially became heart-shaped in 1902.

At school this week, Cam enjoyed friendship celebrations.
In the classroom, buddies Ben, Brody and Gerrit are always ready to hang out. These guys have been together since kindergarten.

A Valentine tradition at Northern Trails 5/6 is school-wide bowling on or around Feb. 14th. We had called ahead to be certain Cam's powerchair could make it onto the lanes. Our 11-year-old announced upon arrival home that day, "It was so cool that my entire school was there. They had 2 times for different classes to be there. It was fun!"
Oma had her hair done on Saturday. She looked so pretty when she got back. Cam showed off a V present from his parents: "Hangry" socks. It is definitely one of his moods if he isn't able to eat at regular times: hungry + angry= hangry!

Camology Quotes:
Driving down the driveway after Chris plowed:
"My dad is the nicest dad! He is the nicest one I've seen in years."
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