Karen & Cam |
Before starting up the 4th of July festivities, Cam, his parents and 'Auntie' Karen all headed up north to spend the day beach-side with Oma and Opa.
The weather cooperated and sand castle architecture was in full swing. Lake Michigan hasn't warmed up enough for swimming, but was bearable to transfer buckets of water to the beach.

Chris worked on a project with Mike & Eric using a 'jetty pump' to push sand and water into the old volleyball court which currently keeps collecting rainwater due to the higher Lake Michigan level. Cam watched the boys with interest seeing the large hose at work.
We all enjoyed a most delicious, healthy dinner complete with fresh fruit for dessert. Thanks to Cam's grandparents for feeding us all twice and playing on the

encompassing the library grounds as well as an

Back at home that evening, we grilled delicious steaks for our 4th of July meal situated on the back deck. It was such a nice evening!
On Sunday, we ventured to Holland to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary for Aunt Betsy and Uncle Jon. The event allowed guests to be inside and out, which the younger cousins were all quite happy about. Pictured is only half of the 2nd generation of Jellema cousins. One may wonder why the 1st generation isn't included, but corralling even this many kids is quite a feat.
Two comical Cam comments- Sunday morning, while Cam was eating, he took a sip of water too quickly and it spilled on his shirt. With a solemn look, he said "I hate when that happens."
After eating breakfast as usual, our son asked about lunch on the way to the celebration. We explained that lunch would be served during the event. Upon seeing his plate filled with brunch items, Cam inquired, "Why am I having breakfast again?"
Much like the sunset peeking through the leaves, Cam is definitely our shining star!
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