Cameron had a couple of extra sleep-in days this week since his school didn't start until

Thursday. He certainly was excited to head back to his favorite activity. Cam still rides the bus and happily waves goodbye to his

parents- quite a change from the first two weeks in April!
Across the street, the Raisch girls headed back to school as well...Megan and Emma ran over before Cam's bus arrived to share in some picture-taking fun!
Emma just started kindergarten this year and Megan started 3rd grade. Cam's favorite

playmate away from school is Emma- she oftens comes over to play with her buddy and Cameron thinks she is quite the comedienne because she sure does make him laugh!
Some of our faithful bloggers may have noticed that this week's entry was very tardy...Jane and Cam's godmother, Joanne, took a girl's trip to NYC and stayed with our cousins, the Haroldson's. Chri

s and Cameron had a boys' weekend all to themselves! Jane and Jo had an amazing time and came back to a very cool sidewalk chalk welcome home from the Raisch girls- for those of you that know the NYC skyline, you should be able to pick out the Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty. Many thanks to Chris for his solo parenting over the weekend!!
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