The big boy was able to spend 2 days with his Grandma this week and had lots of fun.
Jane took some time away from work on Friday afternoon to spend some quality time with Cam and Grandma at Ada Park!
The weather has been so nice and Cameron really like the swings.
One of his favorite things to do is "blow
people away" by blowing through his teeth as he's smiling and giggling. From his swing, he kept "blowing" on Grandma and Jane. Grandma also took him on the slide.
The weekend included lots of outdoor time for Cam and a date night for Chris & Jane on Friday (thanks Andrea & Zach!) eve to catch dinner and a movie.
A perfect end to the week was having pizza night with our great neighbors- the Raisch family. With 4 girls in their family, Cam can't give enough smiles or blow enough kisses...Chris & Jane already know he's quite the little flirt!
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