One of Cameron's bday presents f
rom his parents was a bubble machine... Cam just loves bubbles and h
is Dad does too.
Cam and Jane went up to the cottage on Friday and came back Saturday- even with the rainy weather, it was still fun for Cam to play with Grandma, Grandpa and his aunt, uncle and cousins. Chris had a little bit of time to work on the back deck.
Cameron is always working on sitting and building up his core muscles.
The cozy coupe that the Ringlers gave him for his birthday certainly helps him out.
He can either sit on it or stand behind it. Chris and Jane try to make sure that he practices sitting on and moving at least once a day.
After all of Cameron's hard work, he loves to have his special playtime
with his Dad. As you can see, one of Cam's favorite activities is "monkey swing."
After all of Jane's hard work, Chris loves to surprise her with flowers! Have a great week everyone!!
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